Sunday, February 26, 2006

KPSP, Solo cross countries done

The weather was great, so my trusty 172 steed and I headed out for Palm Springs to finish knocking out the solo cross country requirements. I'm a Part 61 student, so I have to do the long cross country. After I got north of KRNM, I picked up SOCAL departure flight following to the Palm Springs TRSA. Flew Ramona, over French Valley, to Banning Pass, then on to PSP. Got vectored for the 31L left downwind and was told the controller would call my base and final. They put me in a 360 hold just as I should be turning base (no problem, mon), then got called to base for 31L or 31R (the controller would decide while I was on base and call my final). I flew past 31L, so I figured he would give me 31R. He's shooting the breeze on the radio with some other guy, doesn't call me final for 31R. Finally, after I've overshot final by about 1/2 mile and am about to call a go-around, he turns me to final. Squeeked in, taxied back, and got the hell out of Dodge before tower could do something else crazy to me on another lap around the pattern. Back through Banning Pass, one trip around the pattern at KHMT including a full stop, then back in the air, flight following with vectors through the San Diego class B to home. Another 3.1 hours on the books, 31.5 hours in the log, cross countries done, time to start polishing for the check ride.
Wheels down at 1400 local, gave the steed some go-juice and put it to bed, then came on home. Dinner with my lovely wife, then soon to bed for the start of yet another week. Hopefully, I'll be getting a few hours of flying in next weekend.


Saturday, February 25, 2006

PSP tomorrow?

Well, the weather looks like it is going to hold off long enough for me to get to KPSP and finish my cross country requirements. Keep your fingers crossed...

Friday, February 24, 2006

I hate IT's (rant)

Okay. This morning, I spent a few hours working on some correspondence for my boss, due today. Just as I was wrapping up, I hit Save for the final time. What happens? Word CRASHES! No problem, I use AutoRecover, just in case.
Open up Word, autorecover brings up my document. I've lost a few minutes of work, but nothing that can't be redone quickly. I try to save my Autorecover, Word CRASHES! Open it up again, the Autorecover is gone. Turns out, Word will only bring it up once. After that, nada.
Now, I have to go to an older version and redo a few hours worth of work. One problem, it can't find the file. Come to find out, our IT's had shut down the shared file server (this caused the original crash) and left for the day without telling anybody. I had to call them in to restart the server so I could get my work finished. Long story short, because our IT's wanted to leave, I lost a few hours worth of work and had to stay late. (END RANT)

To quote T.S. Eliot, all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well. Weather permitting, I'll be flying up to PSP this weekend. It will be nice to get a few hours in my trusty 172 steed. Besides that, just working around the house.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Entry #1

Okay, here we go. First post on the Big Country Flying Service blog. So, a little about me:

Currently working for my good ole Uncle Sam, slaving away for the man.

When I'm not working, I'm usually spending time with my lovely bride. When I find time, I can usually be found flying or trying to get into Business School. Most of my posts will focus on aviation or B-School.

Flying: I'm currently a student pilot in Southern California, 28.4 hours in my trusty 172 steed, working on my solo cross countries. Did my first to F70 last weekend. I got a little off track, but it was good. I had my second, to PSP, scheduled. Grounded due to weather. Ducking under low ceilings dodging CB's and TS's just isn't my idea of a good time.

B-School: Just took the GMAT, did pretty well, so I'll be looking to hit up H/W/Sloan/UVA/Fuqua this coming year. Working for the government is ok, but it's time for a change of scenery.

I hope you enjoy this blog.
