Thursday, August 30, 2007


Sorry for the absence, folks. With getting the new house straightened out and starting the full time MBA program at UVA, I haven't had time to sleep, much less blog.

I did manage to sneak in an hour of flying at Eagle's Nest airport in Waynesboro, VA. I am now checked out in C172's for rental and, when I can squeeze some time out of the schedule, plan to go flying.

I am told W13 is the shortest paved runway in the state of Virginia, and it is definitely the shortest runway I have landed on. Although I flew into a few 2500ft runways, most of the runways I used in SOCAL ranged from 3500 to 12000 ft. I think it will be good for my technique to get used to landing on shorter runways.

Not much time. Class is starting in a few minutes. Marketing. Fun.
