Changing Channels
I once said that, like Jimmy Buffett in "The Wino and I Know," I would like to live my life like a song. As I mentioned in my previous post, a job change is in the works, so the next song would be "Changing Channels." More appropriate to this blog, I guess, would be "Cleared to switch."
The Chief Photographer and I have decided that it is time to hang up the blues of Uncle Sam's Navy and actually try to make my way in the world. I have been a Submarine Officer for 11 years, so trying to switch careers at age 33 will definitely be a challenge. That is why I am applying to business school. I had someone teach me submarines, I had someone teach me French, I had someone teach me to fly. Business school will teach me business, a language as foreign to me right now as Attic Greek.
I think the hardest part will be trying to decide what to wear to work in the morning. Right now, my decision is easy. Every morning, I have a decision between brown, brown, and brown. The biggest question is shoes: black or black. Sometimes it makes my head hurt. Last week, the Chief Photographer and I went clothes shopping for yours truly. I definitely had to take her, as I would have blown the budget on a few tacky shirts, a new ball cap, some shades, and a handheld GPS. As it stands, I bought two suits, two pairs of slacks, four shirts, three ties, and some fancy shoes. I almost cried when I converted the cost into hours of flying. (At $75/hr for a cheap Cessna, that closet full of clothes is worth XX hours).
Alas, all is not lost. I'm going to take a buddy of mine from work up for a few hours tomorrow (just before I pick up the new duds from the tailor). Then I have to come home and polish the resume before my school visits and interviews next week.
The Chief Photographer and I have decided that it is time to hang up the blues of Uncle Sam's Navy and actually try to make my way in the world. I have been a Submarine Officer for 11 years, so trying to switch careers at age 33 will definitely be a challenge. That is why I am applying to business school. I had someone teach me submarines, I had someone teach me French, I had someone teach me to fly. Business school will teach me business, a language as foreign to me right now as Attic Greek.
I think the hardest part will be trying to decide what to wear to work in the morning. Right now, my decision is easy. Every morning, I have a decision between brown, brown, and brown. The biggest question is shoes: black or black. Sometimes it makes my head hurt. Last week, the Chief Photographer and I went clothes shopping for yours truly. I definitely had to take her, as I would have blown the budget on a few tacky shirts, a new ball cap, some shades, and a handheld GPS. As it stands, I bought two suits, two pairs of slacks, four shirts, three ties, and some fancy shoes. I almost cried when I converted the cost into hours of flying. (At $75/hr for a cheap Cessna, that closet full of clothes is worth XX hours).
Alas, all is not lost. I'm going to take a buddy of mine from work up for a few hours tomorrow (just before I pick up the new duds from the tailor). Then I have to come home and polish the resume before my school visits and interviews next week.