Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bad Flight

It was one of those days where I wonder if I should be allowed to fly airplanes. I'd rather not go into details here, just suffice it to say that within ten minutes of takeoff I had decided that I had had enough and returned to the airport. I have filed an ASRS report. To top it all off, some a**hole in a Pitts couldn't listen to his clearances from tower and was flying the pattern every way except correctly, almost screwing up my landing.

On the upside, it was one of the best landings I have ever made and I was able to back up the controller when they gave me clearance to land on the wrong runway. There must be some points given for grace under pressure.


Blogger Paul in the CA Desert said...

Sounds like a no fun time but good that you could find something positive out of it. And no broken bones or paint is always a good thing.


11:21 AM  

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